Adelaide Festival Centre
Venue information

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Venue Information
Plan your visit to Adelaide Festival Centre.
Plan your visit to Adelaide Festival Centre.
Plan your visit
Visit the Adelaide Festival Centre's official website for more detailed information on your planning your visit to Adelaide Festival Centre.
Getting there
The Festival Theatre's new entrances are along King William Road at the corner of Elder Park and from Festival Plaza. An accessible drop off area is located on King William Road.
Information about transport and parking to help you plan your visit is available on the Adelaide Festival Centre's website.
Patrons who must keep their belongings with them for medical reasons will be permitted to admit bags into the auditorium if they are visually inspected by a security officer and don't obstruct venue safety. Cloakroom facilities are available, but space is limited so please travel lightly and leave large bags and backpacks at home.
Cash-free policy
Adelaide Festival Centre’s Box Office and food and beverage outlets became cashless on 1 October 2018. The majority of our patrons use debit or credit cards and we are pleased to offer a more efficient service, improving transaction speed and staff safety. We know some patrons will not be able to pay with card and we will always have cash facilities available for exceptional circumstances.
Photography and audio/video recording
It is strictly prohibited to take photos or audio/video recordings during any performance by The Australian Ballet. Photography is permitted during curtain call.
Mobile phones
Mobile phones must be turned off prior to a performance.
Terms and conditions
All visitors are bound by the Adelaide Festival Centre's conditions of entry for all associated venues.
Contact details
For more information about the Adelaide Festival Centre visit or call the Centre on 08 8216 8600.
Or you can contact our customer experience team via our Contact Us page.
Accessibility at Adelaide Festival Centre
The Australian Ballet and Adelaide Festival Centre are committed to making performances accessible to the widest possible audience. The best way to check theatre accessibility is by visiting Adelaide Festival Centre.
The Australian Ballet and Adelaide Festival Centre are committed to making performances accessible to the widest possible audience. The best way to check theatre accessibility is by visiting Adelaide Festival Centre.
Wheelchair access
In the Stalls, row W has removable seats to accommodate patrons who
wish to remain seated in their wheelchair or transfer to a theatre seat.
Please contact BASS on 131 246 or advise the operator when you are booking tickets if you require a wheelchair loan during your visit.
Booked wheelchairs can be collected at your venue concierge desk from 60 minutes pre-show and must be returned within 20 minutes of the show finishing. Patrons will be required to leave a driver's licence, credit card, or government-issued photo ID as a deposit until the wheelchair is returned. Wheelchairs must not be taken off-site. Please coordinate patron pick-up and drop-off locations accordingly.
Except in emergency situations, we cannot provide staff to assist with patron wheelchair use.
Hearing assistance packs
Audience members who require hearing assistance are now able to enjoy the show via the Beyerdynamic Hearing System.
In the Festival Theatre, Her Majesty’s Theatre, Dunstan Playhouse and Space Theatre, patrons may borrow a small transmitter pack with the choice of either an inductive neck loop (for use with a hearing aid with a T-setting) or a set of headphones (for patrons without a hearing aid or a hearing aid without a T-Setting) to amplify the performance. Patrons may also bring their own headphones if they desire.
Transmitter packs are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Patrons should arrive at least half an hour before the performance to collect their pack from the venue's information or concierge desk. Patrons will be required to leave a driver's licence or some form of photo ID as a deposit until the pack is returned.
Hearing loop
At Her Majesty's Theatre, hearing loop facilities are available in foyer areas.
Assistance animals
Every theatre and event/function area of Adelaide Festival Centre is assistance animal friendly.
National Companion Card scheme
The Australian Ballet supports the National Companion Card scheme. For more information about the Companion Card, visit To book tickets using your Companion Card, please phone The Australian Ballet on 1300 369 741.