The Australian Ballet

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Telstra Ballet Ballot Terms and Conditions - Oscar© - Sydney

Oscar© - Sydney Opera House, Sydney

No purchase or payment is necessary to enter the Telstra Tickets Ballot.

By submitting your entry to the ballot, you are giving The Australian Ballet permission to contact you via SMS Text, Email or phone regarding this entry.

  1. Acceptance of Terms

1. These are the terms and conditions of entry (Terms) to a ticket ballot (Ballot) for the chance to win an opportunity to purchase up to two tickets at any one designated Mainstage performance of The Australian Ballet or any one designated The Australian Ballet on Tour performance at the ticket price referred to in clause 4 (Ballot Price). By entering the Ballot, you:

 1.1 agree to these Terms; and

 1.2 consent to The Australian Ballet contacting you via email, SMS or phone in accordance with these Terms.

2. Operator

The Ballot is operated by The Australian Ballet (ABN 57 004 849 987) of Level 6, 2 Kavanagh Street, SOUTHBANK, Victoria 3006, Australia (The Australian Ballet). 

3. The Ballot

You agree and acknowledge that:

 3.1. the Ballot is a series of ticket ballots for the chance to win an opportunity to purchase tickets at the Ballot Price, and not a chance to win tickets to the performance itself;

 3.2. No purchase or payment is required to enter the Ballot.

 3.3. if you win an opportunity to purchase the tickets at the Ballot Price, you may, but you will not be required to, purchase the tickets at the Ballot Price;

 3.4. entering the Ballot does not guarantee that you will be able to purchase tickets at the Ballot Price; and

 3.5. the opportunity to purchase tickets at the Ballot Price has no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for money or other consideration.

4. The Ballot Price

 4.1. The Ballot Price per ticket:

   4.1.1. for a Mainstage performance included in the Ballot is a maximum of $40 (inclusive of any applicable booking and transaction fees); or

   4.1.2. for an Australian Ballet on Tour performance included in the Ballot is a maximum of $30 (inclusive of any applicable booking and transaction fees and GST).

 4.2. The Webpage (referred to in clause 5.1.2) will specify whether a performance is a Mainstage performance or an The Australian Ballet On Tour performance for the purpose of the Ballot Price.

 4.3. The tickets included in the Ballot will be either A or B Reserve tickets.

 4.4. Any other expenses to attend a performance, including but not limited to travel, parking, food and beverage and accommodation, are the sole responsibility of the winner. 


 5.1. To enter the Ballot, you must:

   5.1.1. be aged 18 years or older at the time of entry;

   5.1.2. go to (Webpage) and [follow the prompts]; and

   5.1.3. submit your entry before the closing time for the Ballot for the relevant performance as specified on the Webpage.

 5.2. Entries on the Webpage for the Ballot for a performance will open four weeks prior to the opening performance of the season in the respective city (Friday 11th October) and will close at 4pm fourteen days prior to the opening performance (Friday 25th October).

 5.3. Employees of The Australian Ballet, its agents or anyone professionally connected with The Australian Ballet and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter the Ballot.

6. Entry Rules:

 6.1. You may only submit one entry per performance. Multiple entries for the same performance by the same person may result in disqualification.

 6.2. Your entry will be for one performance only. Your entry cannot be transferred or exchanged to a Ballot for another performance.

 6.3. You may enter the Ballot for as many different performances as you wish, but you can only win the Ballot once per calendar year.

 6.4. Tickets at the Ballot Price are only available for the performances specified on the Webpage. You can only submit a Ballot entry for these performances.

7. Selection of Winner:

 7.1. On the first business day after the Ballot for a performance has closed (Monday 28th October), winners of the Ballot for the performance will be drawn at random by a computerised process (Drawing).

 7.2. The odds of winning will depend upon the number of eligible entries received, whether earlier winning entries selected one or two tickets and the number of Ballot tickets available for each performance. At least 10 tickets will be available at the Ballot Price for each designated performance.

 7.3. If your entry is drawn as a winning entry, and there is only one ticket left at the Ballot Price at the time of winning you will only be offered one ticket for the performance regardless of whether you have entered for two tickets.

 7.4. Telstra is a sponsor of The Australian Ballet and the Ballot, and Telstra members may be invited to provide their Telstra membership in the Ballot entry form. Providing these details is not required to enter the Ballot and will not affect your chances of being drawn as a winner.

 7.5. If you are selected as a winner of the Ballot, The Australian Ballet will notify you by email, SMS or phone on the day of the Drawing (Monday 28th October) and provide instructions on how to claim and purchase your ticket(s). You will have two business days from the Drawing to claim and purchase the ticket(s) offered (Acceptance Time).

 7.6. If you do not claim and purchase the ticket(s) offered within the Acceptance Time, you will no longer be able to purchase the ticket(s). On the first business day after the end of the Acceptance Time (Thursday 31st October), The Australian Ballet will then draw another winner for those ticket(s) at random by a computerised process (Second Drawing), notify that winner by email, SMS or phone on the day of the Second Drawing, and that winner will have two business days from the Second Drawing to claim and purchase the ticket(s) offered (Second Acceptance Time).

 7.7. If a winner has not claimed and purchased the relevant ticket(s) by the Second Acceptance Time (Monday 4th November), The Australian Ballet reserves the right to contact further entrants at random for the purpose of offering the relevant ticket(s) at the Ballot Price until those ticket(s) are purchased. 

 7.8. Winners will be directed to claim and purchase their ticket(s) through either The Australian Ballet’s Customer Experience team or the performance venue’s preferred ticketing agent.

 7.9. The 2-business day period for the purpose of purchasing Ballot tickets will commence at Drawing or Second Drawing (as the case may be) and will end at 4pm AEST on the second business day after the day of the Drawing or the Second Drawing (as the case may be), where a business day is a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in Melbourne.

8. Ticket Conditions:

 8.1. Any tickets purchased through the Ballot will also be subject to The Australian Ballet Ticketing Terms and Conditions, ( and the terms and conditions of the theatre venue where the performance is held. Conditions of Entry to the venue also apply.

 8.2. Tickets purchased through the Ballot cannot be exchanged or refunded if you change your mind. You must not resell any ticket purchased through the Ballot.

 8.3. Photo ID that matches the correct winner’s name on The Australian Ballet account may be required at the relevant theatre box office for collection of tickets from one hour prior to performance time on the day of the performance and to gain entry to the venue.

 8.4. Where a performance is cancelled, rescheduled or significantly relocated due to intervening circumstances, The Australian Ballet will make reasonable endeavours to contact affected Ballot winners who have purchased tickets in a timely manner and inform them of options available. The Australian Ballet adheres to the Live Performance Australia (LPA) Code of Practice for the Ticketing of Live Entertainment in Australia.

9. Communication and Privacy

 9.1. The Australian Ballet accepts no responsibility for:

9.1.1. any ‘potential winner’ notifications, including emails, SMS, phone calls or voicemails, which are not delivered or not able to be made or received for a reason outside of The Australian Ballet’s reasonable control, including emails sent to your junk email folder or outdated or incorrect contact details by which the entrant cannot be contacted; or

9.1.2. late or incorrectly submitted or misdirected entries or entries unable to be made or tickets purchased in a timely manner due to any technological malfunction or failure, internet traffic congestion, or any other reason outside of The Australian Ballet’s reasonable control which prevents receipt of a correct entry or the purchase of tickets in a timely manner.

 9.2. The Australian Ballet may collect personal information in order to conduct the Ballot and may, for this purpose, disclose such information to third parties, including but not limited to Telstra, agents, contractors, service providers, theatre owners and, as required, to Australian regulatory authorities. Entry to the Ballot is conditional on providing the information designated as mandatory on the Ballot entry form.

 9.3. The Australian Ballet may, unless you elect to opt-out, use your information for promotional and marketing purposes, including sending electronic messages to you about products and services offered by The Australian Ballet. All personal information collected will be collected, held, and used in accordance with The Australian Ballet Privacy Policy which can be accessed at

 9.4. Before the Ballot opens for entry on the Webpage for a designated performance, The Australian Ballet may cancel or change the Ballot in respect of that designated performance or change these Terms which apply to the entry into the Ballot for that designated performance. The Terms which apply will be the terms current at the time of entry into the Ballot which will be located at

10. Authorisation:

The Ballot is authorised under NSW Authority Number TP/03691