The Australian Ballet

The Pointe Shoe Room

KL 16 Ballet Centre 0 G4 A1777

Photo by Kate Longley

It all starts with the shoes

Pointe Shoes photo Kate Longley 0 G4 A2765 2017 8

Photo by Kate Longley

A dancer’s relationship with their shoes is a special one. Ballet slippers allow them to grip the floor, rise to new heights and transcend the ordinary.

The company goes through 7,500 pairs of custom-made shoes every year, and a perfect fit is essential. In the Pointe Shoe Room, among dizzying rows of pink, pearl and russet slippers, our Artistic Coordinator makes sure every dancer has happy feet.

Pointes, pointes, pointes!

The company’s female dancers whirl their way through more than 5000 pairs of slippers each year. At any one time each dancer has several pairs of shoes, in various states of wear, to call upon for class, rehearsal and performance. In the Shoe Room, consignments of new pointes await their moment of glory.

KL 18 Ballet Centre 0 G4 A1781

Photography by Kate Longley

Pointe Shoes photo Kate Longley 0 G4 A1390 2017 8
KL 11 Ballet Centre 0 G4 A1743
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