The Australian Ballet

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Jewels by the numbers

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Artists of The Australian Ballet, Jewels (Balanchine) 2023
Photo Kate Longley

Enter the cave of wonders that is George Balanchine’s Jewels as we count the gems, piece by sparkling piece.

Callum Linnane holds up Sharni Spencer by the waist as she leans back against the floor, in emerald green costume.

Principal Artists Sharni Spencer and Callum Linnane, Jewels (Balanchine) 2023
Photo Rainee Lantry


52 beads are hand-sewn on to each flower of the ‘Emeralds’ costumes.

It takes an embroiderer 2 hours to hand-sew each individual ‘Emeralds’ flower.

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Principal Artists Brett Chynoweth and Ako Kondo, Jewels (Balanchine), 2023
Photo Rainee Lantry


The bodice of the ladies 'Rubies' costume weighs 0.5kg.

3,552 vibrant ruby coloured gems appear on stage during a performance.

Helping Hands

  • 36 intricate tiaras and headpieces were carefully constructed by The Australian Ballet costume department.
  • 115 individual costumes were constructed for The Australian Ballet's season of Jewels.
  • 6 months of sewing expertise was generously volunteered by the Country Women’s Association and Embroiders Guild Victoria who gave their time and skills to hand-sew the thousands of beads, crystals and gems onto the costumes.
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Principal Artist Benedicte Bemet, Jewels (Balanchine) 2023
Photo Kate Longley


535 diamond and pearl inspired pieces are sewn onto each principal ladies costume. The principal gentlemen’s costumes have only 117 in comparison.

6,992 gemstones sparkle on stage during a performance of ‘Diamonds’.

An Extravagant Spectacle

  • 68 roles are performed in Jewels across principal, soloist and corps de ballet.
  • 17,722 jewels are on stage each night.
  • 29,450 gemstones, glass beads and crystals have been used in the construction of the Jewels costumes (including extras and spares)

Jewels plays at the Adelaide Festival Centre from the 12-18 July 2024.
