The Australian Ballet

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Ako Returns!

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Ako Kondo

Photo Rainee Lantry

We welcome Principal Artist Ako Kondo back to the stage after the birth of her son George and talk about motherhood and finally stepping into the long-awaited role of Juliet.

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Ako Kondo

Photo Rainee Lantry

Welcome back to The Australian Ballet! How has the transition been back into full-time dancer mode after having your baby George?

AK: It has been challenging but same time very joyful. I definitely missed the ballet studio and the stage!

Your first performance back was as one of the most challenging roles in ballet, Juliet in John Cranko’s Romeo & Juliet, how did it feel to finally step onto the stage as Juliet after so many years of postponements?

AK: The role of Juliet has been on my ballet bucket list for a long time and it was so special to finally debut as Juliet alongside my husband Chengwu as Romeo after pandemic and maternity leave.

Do you find it more emotional dancing opposite your husband in such tragic role?

AK: I have to say YES! We sometimes try not to put too much emotion in the acting during the rehearsal process especially for the ballet like Romeo and Juliet. Because if we do, we both get too emotional and won't be able to stop crying during the rehearsal. During the actual show, I felt very emotional especially in Act 3 and I had tears in my eyes. What a beautiful and emotional ballet to perform as a dancer especially when you are dancing with your husband.

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Ako Kondo

Photo Rainee Lantry

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Ako Kondo and Karen Nanasca

Photo Rainee Lantry

Having a baby used to mean retirement for female dancers, how have you seen attitudes shift over your time as a dancer?

I have seen so many ballerina mums coming back after maternity leave looking better than ever in this company. By looking at them, they gave me the courage to have a family while dancing as a Principal Artist. The Australian Ballet now has an amazing support for ballerina mums. I felt very supported for the whole process of being pregnant to coming back to the stage.

What are some of the ways (if any) that becoming a mother has changed your dancing?

I am a perfectionist for ballet, and I always expect so much from myself. Being a perfectionist is a good thing for dancing but sometimes it has caused me stress and anxiety. Now I am a mum to George, he reminds me every day that no one is perfect and we learn and improve from by making mistakes. I feel much more relaxed and calmer in general!

What’s more difficult, childbirth or the 32 consecutive fouetté turns in Swan Lake?

Definitely childbirth! We can practice 32 consecutive fouettés but we cannot practice childbirth until you experience it.

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Ako Kondo, Karen Nanasca and Elizabeth Toohey

Photo Rainee Lantry

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Ako Kondo

Photo Rainee Lantry

What performance are you most looking forward to in the 2023 Season?

2023 season has too many good repertoires! It's like a Christmas present for dancers. It's definitely difficult to choose which one... I will say Don Quixote and Swan Lake! Don Quixote was the first principal role I did with The Australian Ballet back in 2013 and also it was my first time dancing alongside Chengwu! I'm looking forward to seeing how I will perform Kitri this time after having eight years of experience being a principal artist. Swan Lake is ballerina's ultimate dream role. This version will be my third version to perform. So I'm looking forward to being Odette/Odile and the challenge of this iconic ballet again.

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Ako Kondo

Photo Rainee Lantry

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Ako Kondo

Photo Rainee Lantry

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Ako Kondo and Chengwu Guo

Photo Rainee Lantry

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Ako Kondo and Chengwu Guo

Photo Rainee Lantry

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Ako Kondo

Photo Rainee Lantry